Hen Mpoano begins Tree Planting in Cape Three Points Forest

Hen Mpoano begins Tree Planting in Cape Three Points Forest

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Hen Mpoano begins Tree Planting in Cape Three Points Forest

Large areas around the Cape Three Point forest reserve have been degraded through logging and small scale mining or repurposed for agricultural use such as as rubber plantation. 

Under the French Embassy funded PISCCA program, Hen Mpoano together with fringing communities are raising ten thousand (10,000) native tree seedlings to reforest fragmented areas to connect terrestrial forest to the coastal wetland.

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Currently, five thousand, eight hundred (5800) seedlings have been raised in the Adelazo and Akyinim nursery sites. The first wave of planting saw a total of 1500 seedlings being planted within the fragmented areas of the forest reserve.

The Project implemented by Hen Mpoano in collaboration with WAPCA seeks to enhance the protection of the primate population of the Cape Three Points KBA by strengthening community-based structures for effective forest patrol and monitoring, restoring degraded primate habitat around the CTPFR and adjoining wetlands and support forest-dependent households with ecosystem-based livelihood innovations

#HenMpoano #WAPCA #PISSCA #savecapethreepointsforest #coastalprotection


Previous Hen Mpoano trains forest monitoring teams on the use of SMART tools

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