Protecting Endangered Primates and their Habitats in the Cape Three Points KBA

Protecting Endangered Primates and their Habitats in the Cape Three Points KBA

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Protecting Endangered Primates and their Habitats in the Cape Three Points KBA

The Cape Three Points Forest Reserve (CTPFR) is one of the three forest reserves in Ghana which continues to provide habitat for endangered primate species including the critically endangered roloway and white-thighed colobus; the endangered white-naped mangabey; and the vulnerable olive colobus and Lowe’s monkeys.

Recent CEPF-funded surveys conducted by the Presbyterian University revealed very low populations of endangered primates such as mangabey and colobus in the CTPFR and apparent extinction of some others like the roloway. This finding is indicative of primate habitat disturbance, notably, illegal lumbering in the CTPFR. Illegal lumbering is perpetrated by inhabitants of forest fringe communities in connivance with commercial wood sellers in nearby towns and cities. In addition, group hunting expedition poses direct threat to the population of primates and other wildlife in the CTPFR.

This project, therefore, aims to increase the protection level of primates and their habitat within the Cape Three Points KBA. This will be done by creation of additional monitoring teams in 7 communities to patrol the northern areas of the forest reserve.  This will lead to effective forest monitoring and management, especially to significant reduction in poaching and illegal lumbering. The project builds on two past CEPF funded projects in the CTPFR and supports implementation of the community management action plan prepared through facilitation of Hen Mpoano in collaboration with key government and community stakeholders promoting conservation of the CTPFR. This project will leverage existing CREMA structures and strengthen them to exercise their authorities to confront and facilitate arrest of illegal loggers and poachers. Furthermore, collaborations with the Forest Services Division (FSD) and Wildlife Division (WD) will be strengthened to enhance implementation.  It is envisioned that the project will contribute to the long-term goal of making the Cape Three Points forest reserve a safe haven for endangered primate species and other wildlife.

The project is funded by the French Embassy through the “PISCCA” Programme 2021

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