New Publication: “SUCCESS STORY:27 Rescued Children Reintegrated: Dreams of Trafficked Children made Possible”

New Publication: “SUCCESS STORY:27 Rescued Children Reintegrated: Dreams of Trafficked Children made Possible”

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New Publication: “SUCCESS STORY: 27 Rescued Children Reintegrated: Dreams of Trafficked Children made Possible”

Under the EU-funded SECRIFISE project, 31 children (23 boys and 8 girls) were rescued on the Volta Lake in August 2020. These children were hosted for 8 months at a secure and child-friendly rehabilitation Centre, where they went through some medical assessments and treatment in addition to psychosocial counseling and therapies.
After rehabilitation at the shelter, 27 (males:21, females:6) children have successfully been reintegrated with parents, relatives and foster parents. Reintegration of rescued children, if not thoroughly done can result in children being maltreated psychologically, physically and mentally or worse,
re-trafficked especially when these rescued victims return to the same environment they were trafficked from. Before the children were reunited with their caregivers, the team traced their parents/caregivers; developed case files on them through direct interaction and observed the general environment over a few months to ensure they are suitable.


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Previous SECRIFISE Pilots the Creation Of Child Labour Free Zone at Moree in the Central Region

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