Women in Fisheries Against Violence

Women in Fisheries Against Violence

Fisheries provide cheap animal protein, contributes 15% and 3.5% to agricultural and total gross domestic product (GDP) respectively, and creates jobs for 2.7 million people as fishermen, fishmongers, fish processors and traders. The roles of women and men in Ghana’s fishing industry is defined by traditional gendered roles – men undertake fishing expeditions while women comprise the large share of people responsible for fish processing and marketing. In addition, women are engaged in fishery-related activities close to the household and focus on small catches of highly nutritious fish for immediate household consumption. In spite of these predefined roles, some women own vessels and canoes and are financiers of fishing expeditions.

Although existing national legislation protect their rights, lack of knowledge about these laws  inhibits women’s ability to defend their rights and demand protection from duty bearers. The foregoing factors have predisposed and led many women in fisheries into violence abuse and discrimination.

 The Project 

The Women in Fisheries Against Violence (WiFVEs) Project is a three-year (2022 – 2025) project funded by the European Union (EU) which has an overall objective of achieving gender equality in Ghana by advocating against gender-based violence (GBV), abuse and discrimination in Ghana’s marine fisheries sector. The project is being implemented by Hen Mpoano as lead implementing partner and CEWEFIA as implementing partner.

 Project Goal

The WiFVEs project intends to achieve gender equality within Ghana’s fisheries sector by advocating against gender-based violence (GBV), abuse and discrimination, building capacities of fisher folk and their leaders to prevent and respond to GBV in fishing communities, supporting law enforcement against GBV, while improving access to social services and livelihood opportunities by women at-risk and survivors of GBV. Specifically, the results achieved will promote;

a) development and implementation of advocacy actions leading to enhanced public awareness and knowledge of duty bearers on the dynamics of violence, abuse and discrimination (VAD) against women and on harmful social norms in Ghana’s marine fisheries sector;

b) capacity development of women, men, youth and fisher folk leaders in preventing and responding to GBV in Central and Western region fishing communities;

c) enforcement of legislation against GBV in Central and Western region fishing communities by strengthening institutions along the prosecutorial chain;

d) access to care facilities and social services for survivors of GBV in Central and Western region fishing communities and

e) entrepreneurship skills and access to livelihood opportunities for women at-risk and survivors of GBV in Central and Western region fishing communities.    

Key Stakeholders

WiFVEs project works closely with the government of Ghana and relevant stakeholders, groups, including MoGCSP, DOVVSU, GHS, DSW, MoFAD, fisher folk leaders and associations in the central and western region fishing communities in Ghana. 


The WiFVEs will work in 18 marine fishing communities in the Central and Western Regions of Ghana, In the Central Region, the communities include Dago, Mumford, Aakrah, Naikwah, Otuam, Anombo, Biriwa, Dutch Komenda and British Komenda. In the Western Region, the project focuses in 9 marine fishing villages i.e.: Dixcove, Cape Three Points, Akwidaa, Ankobra, Asanta, Ekwei, Ellonyi, Bonyere and Metika.



For more information, Contact:

Stephen Kankam
Project Coordinator

Adiza Ama Owusu
Project Manager

Access Project Documents Here

Fact Sheet: Analysis of Gender-Based Violence​
Fact Sheet: Baseline Assessment
WiFVES Project Brochure
WiFVEs Project Update (February-October 2022)
Report_GBV Campaign Strategy Workshop
Project Baseline Study Report
Gender Analysis Study Report
Report_A Compilation of Social Norms in Fishing Communities
Report_Activity 6.1 Conduct training for fisher folk on rights-based approaches.
Report_Capacity Needs Assessment
TRAINING MANUAL_Social and Cultural Norms Inflencing Perception, Incedence, Avoidance and Remediation of GBVpdf
WiFVEs Communication Strategy

Project-related publications

Sex for Fish a Major Cause of Violence against Women- Research:


Sex for Fish Discussion at Spice FM (Excerpts)


Hen Mpoano leads a project to tackle gender-based violence in fishing communities:


Workshop on WiFVEs held in Takoradi: 


Hen Mpoano empowers fishing communities against gender-based violence


Hen Mpoano empowers fishing communities against gender-based violence


EU commits € 450000 to gender empowerment in fishing communities


Gender-Based Violence: Partners call for end to menace among fisher folks


News Hour at 7pm (8th September, 2022) _Excerpt available at HM YouTube Channel 

https://www.facebook.com/gbcghana/videos/450548320375673/?extid=CL-UNK-UNK-UNK-AN_GK0T-GK1C-GK2C&ref=sharing  (HM YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/pB2nq_dCQLo )

WiFVEs Project launched at Anomabo


Investigative stories on Gender-Based Violence



Link to Story

Connecting increase of GBV in fishing communities to lack of knowledge

Radio Documentary


Ending transactional sex; critical for GBV-free fishing communities.



A hungry man is an angry man: How depleting fish stock is abetting GBV in fishing communities of Ghana



Wins; Challenges of Central Region Women fishers



Exploring prevalence of GBV in fishing communities, with focus on its effects on women and children.

Video Documentary


38 J. Cross Cole Street, Windy Ridge Extension, Takoradi.

Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

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